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Zebra-Carpet, the second carpet of the Flying Carpet of Alchemy (Oct 2020-March 2021)

Path of the Zebra

the beginning

creative journey Nov 2020-March 2021

flowering skills short version

flowering skills long version

Exhibition in Zug Switzerland Nov 2021

my pieces at the exhibition

participating online

Soul Art Shaman, Completion, Dec 2021

turning on the light

light insights

2022: Exhibition, Rigi, Florence

home expo-art route paterswolde

Rigi, Switzerland,
I am here

Florence, flowering skills

Calling of the Zebra, Path of the Zebra

we people of different thinkers

carving out our own unique path 

Essence of the Journey


"I have been here before" Florence 1991

"it was so easy to get here"
Florence Nov 2022

Flowering skills

left luggage and lost property

what self-responsibility really means:.
a burial and a birth
the loser becoming the leader.
the survivor becoming the thriver


Alchemy of Union.:
- the blending of the colours within the Zebra pattern: "it's falling in place by itself" and "if one thing starts moving everything starts moving"
- the zipper, open, close, open, close, open, opening up, "the ghost is out of the bottle, and can't be put back in" and "having opened up Pandora's box and can't be closed again". It's the feeling of being under the ice, seeing an opening and crawling out of it on the water, standing on the ice, discovering a new solid foundation to stand on.
- hexagram, a symbol for joy. The hexagram is the molecule structure of a sugar, glucose. The human version of this is JOY, Joy sets in motion. joy creates renewal, joy creates expansion,
- pentagram symbol for follow-through. The pentagram is the molecule structure of fructose. From the basic materials of H2O and CO2, ignited by the light uplevelled into sugar and oxygen, giving the sweet joy and airy space to follow-through with where I am now, let it go, let it flow, let it grow, let it happen (flying prosperity)
-Gold, the alchemy color. Gold comes in different colors: yellow-gold, rose-gold.

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