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Describe the purpose of an intention in a regular soul art journey.

An intention in a regular soul art journey sets the focus of the journey. It’s more conscious, it’s something we decide ourselves like “this is what I want” coming from our ambitions and desires in life

describe the difference between an intention and an initiation

An initiation is giving to you by life and by the divine. Life experiences which can show themselves in a calling, a challenge, a blockage, a pain, complex issues, a trauma creating disturbance that is difficult to ignore or avoid. At the same time, these experiences offer opportunity and possibilities for inner transformation and outer renewal and expansion. The process of going through a shamanic initiation is the interpreting of this information. What does it tell you? What is your soul calling you to do? how can those dark holes unlock new portals and open up new energetic roads to travel into? How can the upheaval transform into an uplevel?

what is your initiation for this soul art shaman journey?

Space, with an energetic undertone of follow-through


Describe what is happening in your life that clarified your Soul Art Shaman Initiation.

Starting this journey, I was drawn back to the start of the soul art certification in 2016, one of my insights of my first body map was “what comes through need much much more space”. What I experience currently is a lack of space, my house is exploding with all my pieces, they tend to get bigger and bigger. Also quite often being in a creative storm working on more pieces at the same time, I end up in total chaos due to a “lack of space”

Also through life in general, I keep on experiencing a disturbance of my space. Two specific recent examples. A neighbour smoking under my window (I live on the first floor) which I can smell inside and really upsets me. I thought I had solved it last year, but now another (new) one started smoking. It triggers deep traumatic feelings and at the same time shines a new light on it. Another example was in the weekend of the nude beauty workshop. I was almost ready to start the workshop joining live on Sunday when my parents were at my doorstep with an urgent family-issue concerning my sister wherein I felt forced to go with them. Later it turned out to be nothing, so all for nothing. Yet my day felt spoiled, my workshop felt spoiled and I was totally off track triggering deep traumatic feelings of anger. Giving that feeling “no space for me and for me needs”

indoor altar as the start of the journey

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describe your experience of working with your soul art active altar for 21days

I started with a very small altar on one shelf. Through the journey, this unfolded into pulling out a piece that was stored under my bed (due to “lack of space”, I was actually sleeping on) a piece that I created for class 7 of creation “union of opposites”.It’s the largest piece created so far. I started creating a frame for it, so it stands now against the wall. At the same time on the piece, I have added several new layers to it (laminating on it). Two examples. In 2012 or 2013, while still in Jordan I created a series of photo-collages, which express to me now “pristine beauty”, I cut them out in hand shapes and laminated them on one side of the big piece. Another example, on the other side. Exploring my full-life working-studying experience up till now, I ended up with a structure of 5 themes, each lasting 7 years. Besides that in class 9 of creating “guiding sacred space” while guiding my client, I also created a 5 theme structure of where I am now in my life and from where to move onwards from. I connected those two and wove them into/on an existing structure on the big piece.

Another thing, I noticed in journeys I often end up with “stuff I don’t know what to do with it”, and throw it away. Yet a few days-weeks later I think “oh but that would have been great to use for this or that”. In this journey, I started storing “I don’t know” stuff on the shelf altar. Later by itself through the journey, it found it’s way into new pieces in the much bigger altar. Like the answers will come when I am holding the space for it or creating the space for it and the space to hold it.

indoor altar at the end of the journey

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describe the ways your soul art shaman earth altar expresses your initiation

The expression of the initiation of the earth altar is especially in the experience of the creation itself. I had created 6 pillars of glass jars. I have no car so I transport all my stuff on the back of a bicycle in bags. And that was quite a hassle this time, stopping three times to make sure all was still in place. Once arrived I noticed two of the pillars the glue had disconnected, so they had fallen apart. Cycling home, one pillar of glass jars fell off when I cycled over a bump and one jar even broke. Also in setting up my altar on the spot I felt uncomfortable and awkward there were lots of people, it was a busy day, yet it was this spot (I have done several earth-installation on this spot before), this day (a sunny “Sunday”), and this time, before noon. All these experiences made me aware that this held all the energy of this space-initiation. Getting more comfortable in what I do despite what people might think of it or say about it (self-confidence space). Exploring how to move into easier ways of transporting my stuff and even take more stuff with me, for example, a car (self-comfortable space).

outdoor altar


video of the full journey


Going through the portal: looking forward and backwards while being in the mystery. Mystery is the space. Space is the unknown. Feeling the silence. TOUCHING it.
Connecting me with myself.
Self-confidence space: is space = realm? Is realms different soaces? Is there just one soace? THE space containing spaces. Multidimensions. All the same?
Sleeping on union of opposites.
Sleeping over them. Sleeping over something = taking time = taking/holding space. Sleeping over = giving space for wisdom to be revealed out of dark and silence (night/sleep/dream space)

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