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the zebra is standing 

what is your soul art initiation

space with an energetic undertone of follow-through

what do you understand now about your initiation?


What I see happening, looking back on the last three months journeying with this initiation, I noticed myself working-through with the pieces I have created in the last years, adding new layers to it, putting them in a frame, reshaping them, putting wheels under something etc.



 I am getting a deeper understanding of insights of creative journeys of the last 1,5 years going through the creation level. Seeing the womb space reflected in the four seasons and the visibility of leaves on trees, the photo-synthesis reaction taking place in trees as a metaphor for growth and creation, getting inspired by a group of goddesses called the Horai, marking the hours of light in a day, one specific goddess, Hemera jumping out, the goddess of light. I start to see a connective piece under all the messages and that is “light”, it's all light related insights. Chemical, natural, divinely symbolically. At the same time, lately, I start adding “light” into my art pieces.



I also noticed I keep on thinking that I have to create “new”, have to invent the wheel over and over again. Yet during this journey, I listened again to videos that I had created over a year ago, one was an introduction to a workshop about spirit animals, where I did not follow through with. The others were was a series of creating a shamanic altar and the third one was a 9-day exploration of the Horai goddesses. While I listened to it, I realized, it actually holds value. The essence of it is totally OK. It's just a matter of following through with these videos, editing them + adding a new layer of creative expression to it and voila I have a creative journey to guide people. While I think I still have to create, it is already there!!! Its a matter of follow-through with it in a simple and relatively quick and lazy way to have content to connect with something bigger.

what are keys?

Keys are advanced versions of creativity doors. It unlocks very potents places inside yourself, waking up broader levels of awareness, broader levels of visions. At the same time it holds a deeper grounding and deeper presence. For me understanding “keys” is “making the connection”, it's complexity in simplicity and simplicity in complexity. I experience it as deep self-connection.

Which keys unlock higher levels of awareness in you and at the same time create a deeper level of embodiment?

Connecting with my own art and other self-created stuff

Relistening to videos of guided journeys that I created myself. It's a way of finding a deeper self-connection and it holds the starting point of “me”, my essence.  An example of this is creating my website, once I had the courage to take a look of what I had already created over the years, I realized “it's already there”,  It's an old website I created 5 years ago for a project idea I did, yet not follow-through with. It holds the foundation, the structure for a new website to create. Same story for the project idea I had created creating the website for. People moving to a new country, to help to find their way in their new homeland, relocate and reconnect with themselves, rooted in personal experiences of my own time abroad, working with international people and creative-shamanic art process. I see now, it's a “changing realities” project and holds inspiration for a Sense Jordan project to share more about my years and experience in Jordan.

Meditation and silence.

Doing several things, being on multiple journeys in life, I easily get lost in it, I miss then the contact with that one connective piece. Meditation in silence is a way to get back on track. First difficult feelings and emotions flow through me, somewhere in the process I see pieces falling in place and reconnecting occurs.  It's in that silence, emptiness, the “I don't know” where the piece reconnect. Another version of this is working a big-large empty piece of paper or canvas. Sit in front of it, look at it in silence and then by itself it flows out. The silence has a landing spot and a place to take shape

The meditation I sometimes combine with listening to brain-wave music, especially theta and delta waves. While lying down feelings and emotions run to my system “as they want to” and a bigger perspective opens up by itself.


taking distance

For example going to see an exhibition in a gallery or museum, wandering around through shops in town while doing it often the focus shifts and the 3rd eye opens up.


Being part of the ar

There is a lot in life I understand mentally, yet to really get it also physically I need to be able to put myself in it a more literal way.  For examples, in the creation level working with a womb space, once I found my spot with the four trees, I really started to get what a womb space means. Same with "birth channel".  I am not consciously looking for them, they appear "out of the blue". Another example of this is "abyss". It's a metaphor I work with a lot. Yet how it really feels the abyss I know now because one day walking over a bridge of deep dry ditch, I got the inspiration to descend down into it to experience "how it feels".  Other ways I work with this is creating art installations where I can sit in.  When I can sit in it, I can sense it, feel it, and then a deeper layer of grounding and understanding opens up. 


working with my hands,

This can be a free-flowing creating just messing around with no goal “I have no idea what I am doing” or it is really specific goal-orientated creative work, for example, creating a frame for my art pieces then “I know exactly what I am doing” also because it needs preparation, planning etc

what are soul art shaman portals?

A portal connects two different realities, for example, one state of being wherein you are now and the state of being wherein you are initiated into. I see the soul art certification itself as a portal, starting at a certain moment in time and place, starting a new, moving through the classes and coming out at the other side of the portal, going through a transformational journey.

describe your portal and how it relates to your soul art initiation

my portal is a double sided piece

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The portal “soul art certification". The bodymap is created for the first 5 classes of the first level of the certification: “bodymapping” in 2016. The title of the piece is “embodied-disembodiment” and marks the start of the overall certification journey. Recently, in October 2020, I have added the complex line-structure around the bodymap. I used my piece out of the Zebracorn flying carpet, as a template. This marks “rooting in origin”, deepening a self-connection. 

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the portal “trauma therapy”. 2020 had been in sign of “trauma therapy”, first re-organizing it in February when other options fell through, doing it in a different way. Starting in March with a bridge therapy,  to fill the  “waiting list” gap, continuing at the end of June with the focused therapy where I am currently in, narrative exposure therapy. This therapy is a clear portal, it's starts with laying out a lifeline, from birth till now, marking the painful memories with stones, the joyful memories with flowers. That is the foundation, then stone by stone (and a flower here and there) week by week it's moving through the traumatic experiences. While going through the process, I have been working on this piece. The idea of “portal” got shape in this class by creating a frame for this piece “the Zebra is standing now”.

What are soul art realms

A soul art realm is of the realm of your medicine, it's the frequency you are going into, it's the direction you are guided into. It's that invisible energy around you. It's the new that is rolling towards you.

describe the realms your initiation is guiding you into

“A star is born, becoming the Zebra”

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the flying carpet of alchemy peace.

 The original title of this peace is “union of opposites”. While working on it I moved through “in the dark is the light”, “in the black is the white” “in the barrier is the guide”, eventually ending up with “the light is the guide”. It's both doing black and white, dark and light. Moving through the barrier “the black-darkness” with the “white-light” as the guide by “doing it in a different way”. It's black and white at the same time. My card with the peace was “blending”. Blend black and white in traditional ways means “grey” a dull colour reflecting “more of the same”. Yet blending them in a new different way I see in the striping pattern of the Zebra appearing. Black and white at the same time, yet both colours do not get lost in a grey mass, both get actually woven together into a very unique distinguish recognizable pattern. So united and recognizable at the same time

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The soul art realm piece

this 3D six angled star configuration reflects “light”. In the original Shaman level, I started working with two realms: the I don't realm and color realm. Those realms unite in “light”.


Light and I don't know:

The 6 inner-angle star structure reflects the organic hexagram (6) molecule shape of sugar, sugar is created in trees through the photo-synthesis reaction with light as the guide. This is the magical igniter that sets the chemical process in motion. The way it is structured it says “inside out”. Bringing the inner out into the outside world. The sugar and the light as symbols for money and joy. The sugar the money, the light the joy. Bringing my inner qualities out into this world in a joyful comfortable way while creating money with it. Like the sugar makes the trees grow, the money provides the means to make me grow.


Light and colour.

The 6 inner-angles of the star shape symbolize the 6 colours of the rainbow united in the white of the light (also in the 6 lanes of the flying carpet of alchemy). The full-colour spectrum united in the white light. This reflects: “the full-colour range of light”, which I translate into “the full colour-range of life”. Feelings and emotions offer the guidance of what I want and what I don't want and especially how I want it. True colours, true face, true feelings, true emotions. Since the start of my overall creative journey in 2014, I work with the overall theme “connect with the black, be with the pain, experience gold, living the full colour range of life”. It's a deeper understanding of that theme 

how did you actively work with your realms through the 21-day  cycle?

from #callingofthezebra and #mysteryland youtube playlists..


Second change

On December 9, when peace of the day of the flying carpet of alchemy was “welcoming renewal” I send my peace back to be reunited with the whole. Yet it bounced back. I got lost and confused. The peace travelled around in Germany and once back in the Netherlands just before Christmas, it got stuck. When the carpet peaces were put together, on December 30, my peace also started moving again. With a little detour and some extra disturbances, I was able to pick it up close to home on January 4. To send it back for a second time, I decided to do it this time differently, by uniting realities. Practically I spent more time on choosing the company and sorting out other practical stuff to resend it. Spiritually I did a ritual around it before I let it go, letting it fly away “in the arms of the angle”. Now I have the faith it will arrive on time and ready to be united with the whole carpet.


I had the chance to look through what you wrote about your latest journey in the Soul Art Shamana class. There is so much depth and richness involved ant interwoven. It feels like you are bringing the past together with the future to create experiences of great value, of treasury and preciousness. Merging of times and of space to create a complete new way of being. This is incredibly exciting. Also, it is so amazing, how our journeys again and again are synchronised in such magical ways, since right now I am working on a new project and movement, working with Hexagons…! Incredible, your insights around that (I also had chemical structures in my head as well as honeycombs). Feeling so very much supported by you, your being and what you are sharing, and it keeps inspiring me so much! What came up when reading sugar is the money, I immediatly had the thought: Money is Honey. What is in the middle, in the inner (invisible) being, the core, there is the preciousness, the honey of your soul. The following-through for you feels for me like a journey of completing. Of sensing the loose threads and bringing them back together, building the web from different angels from the core, yet also from outside back to the core, where all endings meet and hold it all together. Goddess of light, shining from there, as the wires are put together again so that energy can flow in full circle. And it’s so interesting with your piece: When I tried to light it the first time, here in my house, putting the batteries in their „womb“, the wire got interrupted for whatever reason and the light did not shine anymore. So yesterday I went for another photo-session and the photographer is such a beautiful deep powerful space holder but also working a lot with his hands (just like you!), so such a beautiful combination of spirit and earhty matters: He managed to get it all back in place and repaired it all within a few minutes („The key is making the connection!“). So your light shines through your peace and beyond, whatever you are experiencing is radiating its treasure outwards. As everything is already there, just needs light so we can see it! It’s all there, ready to be put in new structures so it can reach whatever is calling for attention and support and light. What stood out as well for me is you saying that you support others to find their way in a new environment, enabling to feel home again, which truly is reconnecting with yourself. And it’s amazing how you can provide this to others! (I’ve witnessed this so many times with you engaging with others and offering your wisdom and your love, also by sending out things that are so adequat and on point for the recipients, seeing their essence and helping igniting it or keeping it shining). I loved how you describe getting back home within yourself : « When I can sit in it, I can sense it », really experiencing what you get as insights or initiations or impulses and inputs, courageously being with it so you can embody the experience. It feels like when you are in it, you are it, and you are part of the whole, you are recreating wholeness by being in it. Just like Embodied disembodiment, not rejecting anything but welcoming it back home and from there reintegrate or transform it. Like in a huge soul retrieval. Also, the union of opposites, which always intrigues me and attracts me in a very specific way (related also to your double sided pieces in a way, two sides of the same coin) : United yet recognizable at the same time. This is it ! Uniqueness within wholeness, and wholeness recognized as limitless uniquenesses woven together in their different true colors.

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